Passive Income Aggressive Retirement
Passive Income Aggressive Retirement

Passive Income Aggressive Retirement

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What is passive income? Passive income is earned with little to no ongoing work. It's no get-rich-quick scheme, but once your passive income exceeds your expenses, you are set for life. If you regularly feel the Sunday Scaries or always dread getting up for work in the morning, this book is for you. This book is for the college student already dreading the 9-5 life that waits him upon graduating; the couple who would rather spend their time doing what they want, instead of slaving away for their employers every day; and the single parent who is barely scraping by.
İSBN: 9781706203025
Vəziyyət: New
Malın kodu: 34193
Cildətmə: Paperback
Dil: English

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