Mermaids Fast Asleep
Mermaids Fast Asleep

Mermaids Fast Asleep

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Mermaids Fast Asleep is a stunning and lyrical bedtime picture book that looks at how mermaids sleep in the sea. This wonderful read-aloud book about mythlogical sea creatures is the perfect nighttime read for your little dreamer, with poetical text from writer Robin Riding and dreamy illustrations by Zoe Persico. Editorial Reviews 05/20/2019 A child with wide glasses camps with her mother and long-snouted dog on the banks of a small lagoon. At twilight, the child wonders if "way down deep,/ there are mermaids fast asleep?" Soon enough, "mermothers, merfathers too/ with golden eyes and hair of blue" appear under the surface (or in the child's imagination?), gently cradling their children and resting comfortably in cozy underwater nooks. Joining the merfamilies are pink and blue dolphins, fish, and coral. The mermaids settle down for bed: "breathing water like it's air/ way down deep, down deep, down there." As nighttime descends, the child, too, sleeps. Persico's candy-colored illustrations and Riding's bobbing verse provide a soothing mermaid fantasy. Ages 2-6. (Apr.) - Publishers Weekly
İSBN: 9781250076359
Vəziyyət: New
Malın kodu: 32847
Ölçülər: 206 x 259 x 13 mm
Weight: 680,250g
Cildətmə: Hardcover
Səhifələrin nömrəsi: 32
Dil: English

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