Quicksand: HIV/AIDS in Our Lives

Quicksand: HIV/AIDS in Our Lives

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Weaving together her own story with straightforward questions and answers, the author explains the real ways that HIV/AIDS can be transmitted and explores the common experiences and emotions that might be encountered by friends and family members of someone who has the virus. She also discusses why HIV/AIDS is often still kept a secret and the importance of treating this condition like any other. With up-to-date medical information that has been thoroughly vetted by experts, this first-person narrative offers an invaluable look at what it is like to watch someone you know battle HIV/AIDS.
İSBN: 9780329944353
Vəziyyət: Used - Like New
Malın kodu: 25980
Weight: 197,000g
Cildətmə: Hardcover
Səhifələrin nömrəsi: 112
Buraxılış Tarixi: 01.11.2009
Dil: English

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