Samantha Learns a Lesson
Samantha Learns a Lesson

Samantha Learns a Lesson

Samantha, 1904

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Samantha attends Miss Crampton's Academy, a private school for proper young ladies. Samantha wants to win the gold medal in the speaking contest, but she's worried about Nellie, the poor servant girl who has become her friend. If she can teach Nellie to read, maybe the boys and girls at school will stop calling Nellie "dummy" and "ragbag." Samantha sets up a school in Grandmary's tower room and becomes Nellie's teacher. But Nellie teaches Samantha some very important lessons, too.


Mallar » Kitablar » Kids » For Years 9-12
İSBN: 9780937295137
Vəziyyət: Used - Very Good
Malın kodu: 22245
Ölçülər: 155 x 216 x 5 mm
Weight: 100,000g
Cildətmə: Paperback
Səhifələrin nömrəsi: 80
Buraxılış Tarixi: 01.03.1988
Dil: English

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Eyni seriyalı:
American Girl Collection