Treasures of the Snow
Treasures of the Snow

Treasures of the Snow

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A story of vicious revenge and hard repentance

Annette and Lucien are enemies. After Annette gets Lucien into trouble at school, he decides to get back at her by threatening the most precious thing in the world to her: her little brother Dani. But tragedy strikes. Annette is so filled with rage that she sets out to alienate and humiliate Lucien at every turn. As Lucien seeks to repent and restore, light floods both of their dark hearts and Christ proves that He makes all things new.

İSBN: 9780802465757
Vəziyyət: Used - Very Good
Malın kodu: 11027
Ölçülər: 132 x 191 x 13 mm
Weight: 226,796g
Cildətmə: Paperback
Səhifələrin nömrəsi: 232
Buraxılış Tarixi: 01.07.2001
Dil: English

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Eyni seriyalı:
Patricia St John Series