

Great Awakenings 1857-1858 The Great Awakenings Book 1

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When his daughter experiences a life-changing conversion to Christianity, a celebrated New York attorney takes the Holy Spirit to court in an attempt to win her back. With a hand-picked jury and a sympathetic judge, the atheistic attorney sues the church in which his daughter was saved, accusing them of teaching fictional religious concepts that will undermine America. In a dramatic courtroom thriller, a young defense attorney -- boyfriend to the daughter and former intern to the celebrated lawyer -- defends the church by attempting to prove the Holy Spirit exists, only to discover that the Holy Spirit is fully capable of proving himself.


Mallar » Kitablar » Christian » Novels
İSBN: 9781582294377
Vəziyyət: Used - Like New
Malın kodu: 14787
Ölçülər: 140 x 208 x 20 mm
Weight: 317,515g
Cildətmə: Paperback
Səhifələrin nömrəsi: 368
Buraxılış Tarixi: 01.03.2005
Dil: English

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Great Awakenings