There is nothing worse than a stagnant relationship with Jesus. This book is a jump start to renewed passion for Jesus and a roadmap for seeing Him walk out His life through us! You will never be the same! In this fast paced book the reader will be swept into the amazing story of God's love for every nation and the history of how the good news is spreading to all parts of the globe. Used in both Universities and local churches as a source of inspiration and education.
William Carey, Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael, C.T. Studd, Lottie Moon, Jim Elliot...what was it that caused them to leave homeland, family, wealth and comfort to be Christ's arms of love to the darkest and most distant parts of the earth? A passion for the things on God's heart permeated their lives. Writing from his own passion for Christ, John Zumwalt communicates this passion in 21 short chapters filled with mission stories, concepts and scriptures that will set your heart on fire with God's love for a desperately needy world.Rev. Philip S. Bogosian,
Director International Adopt-A-People Campaign
John has an evident passion not only after the heart of God, but also after this lost world. That passion is communicated in this timely book. Rev. Ray Comfort
Author of Hell's Best Kept Secret
No one articulates the mission message of the Heart of God like John Zumwalt. This book is fresh with illustrations that clearly bring God's Word to real life. You will be changed to a deeper walk with Jesus and a greater compassion for the lost. It is presented with zest and enthusiasm. It is a quick read that packs a huge punch. Here, missions is more than theory, theology or testimony. John awakens us to the passion of God that all peoples know Jesus. You and your church will never be the same after reading this book.
Dr. James L. West
Executive Director, Heart of God Ministries
It would be rare and wonderful to discover a book which is both easy to read and highly arresting in its advanced grasp of the latest mission strategies. This is it. John Zumwalt has made a significant contribution!
Dr. Ralph D. Winter
Founder, U.S. Center for World Missions
President, William Carey International University
As one who has been working to fulfill the Great Commission in Asia for nearly 35 years, one of my off-the-continent challenges (and sometimes frustrations) has been to promote the cause of missions. Passion for the Heart of God does just this and is, therefore, a very welcome tool and encouragement to me. Its informative statistics, facts and stories--yes, lots of great stories!--should get anyone excited and serious about God's passion!
Rev. David Wang
President, Asian Outreach International Ltd.
A book full of surprises and fresh insights. Every chapter was chocked full of startling and exciting revelations! I will never read my Bible the same. You cannot help but read this and fall in love with our great God, reviving the excitement, conviction and zeal of first love. As a missionary, I can think of no better book to give my friends and family. Every pastor, mission committee member, every church member will find this book indispensable in discovering the plans of our God for this unique time in history!
Name withheld
Missionary in 'closed' country
Passion for the Heart of God is empowering, inspiring and equipping. John Zumwalt is a forerunner of the missional part of God's heart. If you're hungry to know God's Heart and His desire for people all over the world to know Him, then reading this will be like throwing a match on gasoline.
Charlie Hall
Generation Music