Bookmarks Are People Too!
Bookmarks Are People Too!

Bookmarks Are People Too!

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Hank stars the same Hank as in the bestselling Hank Zipzer series, only this time he's in 2nd grade! Hank is a kid who doesn't try to be funny, but he somehow always makes the kids in his class laugh. He's pretty bad at memorizing stuff, and spelling is his worst subject. (But so are math and reading!) In the first book in this new series, Hank's class is putting on a play, and Hank wants the lead part: Aqua Fly. But he freezes in his audition and can only buzz like a fly. His teacher creates a special part for Hank, a silent bookmark. This may seem like an insignificant role, but when his enemy, Nick McKelty, freezes during the performance, it's up to Hank to save the play!

İSBN: 9780448479972
Vəziyyət: New
Malın kodu: 17625
Ölçülər: 130 x 193 x 8 mm
Weight: 136,078g
Cildətmə: Paperback
Səhifələrin nömrəsi: 128
Buraxılış Tarixi: 06.02.2014
Dil: English

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Eyni seriyalı:
Here's Hank