"Dad, will you read us a story?"
Bob Morgan's response was, "Name a subject, and I'll spin a tale for you." His sons loved his Uncle Remus-stype tales, and his wife, Sam, kept after him to someday write those stories down. Lucky for everyone, Bob did as Sam asked.
Today, Bob's children's bedtime stories are featured in newspapers, and kids can't get enough of his fun and loveable characters.
Now see Bob's world brought to life in this book through the whimsical, artistic eye of illustrator, Amy Banton.
Read these delightful Bob-Tales to your kids at bedtime...you'll all be glad you did!
Bob Morgan's bedtime stories are now featured in the following newspapers:
The Palatka Daily News, Palatka, Florida
The Cordele Dispatch, Cordele, Georgia
The Creekline, Jacksonville, Florida
The Coffee County News, Douglas, Georgia
Publishers of these newspapers have been gratified by both reader response and sponsorship for Bob's stories.
Syndication efforts are now underway, and we may soon look forward to seeing Bob Morgan's wonderful bedtime stories in newspapers throughout America, and the world.
We are privileged to bring you this first book of Bob's fifty best stories...a second book is already being planned.
Please join us in the growing audience of Bob-Fans', and revel in the simple delights of tales well told.
The Publishers
Pelican Press